Ayelen  Parolin

Autoctonos II

Piece for four performers and a pianist

A quintet between a pianist-composer and four dancers, Autóctonos II calls into question the place of the group, and of “belonging to a group”, in this society of endurance, indifference and productivity that we call our own. Both abstract and "mathematical” at first sight, the piece bases its writing on the physical tenacity and commitment of its performers. A power that is highly sensitive, held together by an ever-finer thread.

Allusion to the circle - supposed to bring (back) together - and affirmation of stability, of order and standardization: the starting points of the choreographic development. To thus enable the hairline fractures in the system to express their sweat, the human frailties of every person, and to feel the group's instinctive herding force, its warrior-like strength. Potentially just as much a force of exclusion as a force of resistance.

Created on 7 October 2017, Charleroi danse International Biennial (BE)

Concept & Choreography Ayelen Parolin Performers Daniel Barkan, Jeanne Colin, Marc Iglesias, Eveline van Bauwel, Gilles Noël Musical creation & piano  Lea Petra Dramaturgy Olivier Hespel Assistant Choreographer  Leslie Mannès  Light Design Laurence Halloy Stage management Matthieu Vergez Costumes Ayelen Parolin

Production RUDA asbl — Co-producers Charleroi danse, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Théâtre les Tanneurs (Bruxelles), Théâtre de Liège, Festival Montpellier Danse 2017, CCN de Tours / Thomas Lebrun, Le Gymnase | CDCN Roubaix-Hauts de France, Le CCN Ballet National de Marseille, Atelier de Paris / CDCN , Ma scène nationale - Pays de Montbéliard & Theater Freiburg (DE) — Supported by la Fédération Wallonie – Bruxelles - Service de la Danse.  WBI, WBT/D, SABAM, SACD — Studio Support La Raffinerie / Charleroi danse, Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Les Brigittines, Grand Studio, Studio Cie Thor, Studio Ultima Vez, ZSenne Art Lab, CCN de Tours & Le Gymnase CDC

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