Ayelen  Parolin

© François Declercq

© François Declercq


Piece without music for three performers

A prolific choreographer who is drawn to risk and the unexpected, in her latest creation Ayelen Parolin engages with a desire to make life simpler. A difficult task, as we know! What might a “simple” dance look like, presenting itself naked in its spontaneity and sincerity? Doesn’t it involve such an innocent and utopian approach that it becomes ridiculous?

Ayelen Parolin, who fears neither ridicule nor the absurd, takes up the challenge and its contradictions. In a society that has recently been saturated with the words of experts, she believes it essential to revert to forms of naivety and explore the comic and the idiotic. In the company of three loyal performers who can do anything (dancers, actors, clowns, man-machines, man-sets), at the heart of everything she creates a show of Dadaist inspiration, turned upside down and profoundly human. Simple and essential.

— Fabienne Aucant, for the Charleroi danse International Biennial’s brochure

Created on 14 & 15 October 2021, Charleroi danse International Biennial (BE)

A project by Ayelen Parolin Created by Baptiste Cazaux, Piet Defrancq, Daan Jaartsveld Performed by Baptiste Cazaux, Piet Defrancq, Naomi Gibson, Daan Jaartsveld Choreographic Assistant Julie Bougard Light Design Laurence Halloy Scenography and costumes Marie Szersnovicz Dramaturgy Olivier Hespel Outside eye Alessandro Bernardeschi Visuals Cécile Barraud de Lagerie Costumes Atelier du Théâtre de Liège Thanks to Oren Boneh, Jeanne Colin

Production RUDA asbl — Coproduction Charleroi danse, Le Centquatre-Paris, Théâtre de Liège, CCN de Tours, MA Scène nationale – Pays de Montbéliard, Les Brigittines, DC&J Création — Studios provided by CCN de Tours, Charleroi danse, Les Brigittines, Le Gymnase CDCN, Le Centquatre-Paris, MA scène nationale – Pays de Montbéliard — With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Tax Shelter of the Federal Government of Belgium and Inver Tax Shelter

Ayelen Parolin is associated artist to Théâtre National Wallonie Bruxelles from 2022

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