Piece for 3 interprets
Going against the Cartesian imperatives that would that something is methodologically thought, measured, certified, Ayelen Parolin would rather defend a theory of imperfection, in which composition or decomposition are joyfully muddled up to better accommodate uncertainty, mistake and accident as so many paths towards other possibles – towards the unthought.
Following on from SIMPLE and its figure of the idiot, the Argentinian choreographer continues her investigations into the links between dance and defect, failure. In a game of deconstructions as mischievous as exuberant, this new trio resound as a happy manifesto in the face of ambient denial, as well as an enthusiastic ode to the real, to the unpredictable.
(...) Joy is, by is very definition, illogical and irrational...(...) The common language says a lot more about this than we usually think when it speaks of "crazy joy" or delcares someone to be "mad with joy". Such expressions are not only images; they must also be understood literally. For they express the very truth: there is no joy but foolishness, - every joyful man is necessarily and in his own way a fool
Clément Rosset La Force majeure
An Ayelen Parolin project
Created and performed by Piet Naomi Gibson, Defrancq, Daan Jaartsveld
Artistic collaboration Julie Bougard
Technical direction & Light creation Laurence Halloy
Sound creation Julie Bougard from The Blue Danube by Johann Strauss
Stage design and costumes Marie Szersnovicz
Lighting Laurence Halloy or Gaspar Schelck
Stage Ondine Delaunois or Gaspar Schelck
Sound Ondine Delaunois or Gaspar Schelck
Dramatic composition Olivier Hespel
Preparation of the work Daniel Barkan, Alessandro Bernardeschi, Michael Schmid
Production RUDA asbl
Co-productions Théâtre National Wallonie Brussels, Charleroi danse, SurMars Mons, le Théâtre de Liège, le Manège Scène Nationale - Reims, Atelier de Paris / CDCN
With the support of the Brussels-Wallonia Federation, Wallonie-Bruxelles International.
Set & costumes construction by the set and costume workshops at Théâtre National Wallonie Bruxelles.
In coproduction with La Coop asbl et Shelter Prod. With the support of taxshelter.be, ING and the Belgian federal government tax-shelter
Ayelen Parolin is associated artist to Théâtre National Wallonie Bruxelles from 2022